What is Catholic Game Reviews?

Catholic Game Reviews is a collection of Catholics (including laypeople and clergy) striving to enjoy the entertainment of gaming and critique and appreciate it from a faithfully Catholic perspective. This site does NOT exclusively review Catholic games – in fact, most of our content covers secular media.

What kinds of Catholic things do you emphasize in reviews?

We write reviews with the intent to inform and assist other Christians in discerning whether playing a given title will be healthy and prudent for their spiritual journey.

As such, we will highlight both things that are morally problematic (sexual content, glorification of violence or graphic violence, etc.) as well as elements that celebrate beauty and virtue. To say nothing of a game’s design and aesthetics, which are its own virtue and excellence as a game.

Do note that while we point out many things of concern to parents, we might not quite cover everything that could be impactful to a particularly young child (such as potty language) seeing as several of our writers do not have any children and lack that parental insight.

What’s the difference between the game’s Scoring and Morality/Parental warnings sections?

The scoring section is our assessment of how “good” a game is in the traditional secular sense (how much fun the gameplay is, how good the graphics look, etc.)

The Morality/Parental warnings section is completely unrelated, and points out content that might be problematic for certain people to consume as mentioned above.

Is [Game Title] sinful to play?

Because Catholics of goodwill so often disagree on where all the lines are in consuming media, and the same thing can cause different temptations for different people, we will normally stay away from declaring that playing a certain game or series of games is automatically sinful.

But seriously: is [Game Title] sinful to play?

If after reading our reviews you still have serious questions about whether you should play a title, we may recommend asking a trusted spiritual guide (such as your parish priest) about your concerns.

Will you only be reviewing games?

While we’ll focus primarily on game reviews, we will also provide some news, interviews, and other analyses and critiques of gaming media.

Can I submit to Catholic Game Reviews?

We consider submissions of reviews and other commentary written by any practicing Catholic in adherence to the doctrines and values of the Church. If you have not written for us before, we recommend pitching a review to our site. Information is down below.

Does this site use cookies?

Yes. You might see a notice when you come to the site about this, and you can check our privacy policy for more information.

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Please contact us at [email protected] if you have:

  • A site error or file error to report. Please let us know which page the error pertained to.
  • Feedback. Just thought of a cool new feature we should add? Did we miss something in a review? Help us to improve the site and let us know!
  • An article or review of your own to submit. If you’d like to submit to this site, please write us with 2-3 sentences about yourself and a 1-paragraph summary of the article in progress. Read our official review guide here.
  • Business inquires. We want to sustain our website without forcing a bunch of popups and annoying ads!

Please note that we are not a large enough website to be able to pay reviewers at this time.